Thursday, September 25, 2014

Exchange 2013 SP1 CU5: Content index of mailbox databases in Unknown state........and OWA users cannot do search on their mailboxes

Problem: Some user cannot search on their mailboxes using OWA

Cause: Content index of all databases on mailbox servers is not working and showing “Unknown” state.

Resolution: Applying the following actions on above failed mailbox servers.
Ø  Recreate the Search Foundation from scratch
a.       Stop and disable the search services and rename the Data Folder  "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Search\Ceres\HostController\Data"
b.      Open power shell and navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Search\Ceres\Installer
c.       Run the command :  .\installconfig.ps1 -action I -dataFolder "c:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Search\Ceres\HostController\Data"
d.      Output should be like
                                                               i.      [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Search\Ceres\Installer>.\installconfig.ps1 -action I -dataFolder "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Search\Ceres\HostController\Data"
                                                             ii.      Configuring Search Foundation for Exchange....
                                                            iii.      Successfully configured Search Foundation for Exchange
e.      Rename the Index files for the database that are active on the node .
f.        Start the Search Services

Ø  Removed a configuration entry that refers to the ContentSubmitters group. This entry is present in four XML files. Each file is called WcfConfigurator.
a.       you can find each file in the following folder: %ExchangeInstallPath%\Bin\Search\Ceres\HostController\Data\Nodes\Fsis\NODENAME\Configuration\Local
b.      Here, “%ExchangeInstallPath%” is the Exchange installation root path, and the placeholder NODENAME represents one of the following names. (There is one name for each of the four files that are to be edited.)
§  AdminNode1
§  ContentEngineNode1
§  IndexNode1
§  InteractionEngineNode1

                                                         i.            These are text files. You can use Notepad or any other convenient plain text editor to change them. Make sure that you make only the change that is described here.
                                                       ii.            Each file contains at most one line that contains the following: <AuthorizedRole>ContentSubmitters</AuthorizedRole>
                                                      iii.            Remove this line, and then save the file. Repeat this operation for each of the four files, and then restart the Microsoft Exchange Search Host Controller service.
c.       Found the Index files in Crawling state as expected instead of Unknown.

Ø  Once all the Active copies are healthy and still the copies in failed and suspended state, then you can reseed the catalog files only using the below command

Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity DB\MBserver –CatalogOnly 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Lync 2013 WAC - Either the network connection has been lost or the server is busy. please check your network connection.

In case you are publishing your WAC servers using TMG you might face the following,

PowerPoint presentations not working and showing only (white screen) for External Users and a while it showing the following error message.
Either the network connection has been lost or the server is busy. please check your network connection.


  1. In Forefront TMG, right-click the name of the new publishing rule and then click Properties.
  2. In the Properties dialog box, on the To tab, select the option Forward the original host header instead of the actual one.
  3. On the Traffic tab, click Filtering and then click Configure HTTP.
  4. In the Configuring HTTP policy for rule dialog box, clear the Verify normalization check box and then click OK.
  5. In the Properties dialog box, click OK.
  6. In Forefront TMG, click Apply to enable the changes. When the Configuration Change Description dialog box appears, click Apply.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Sorry, We ran into a problem displaying the presentation. Please try again.

After installing Office Web App Server 2013 on Windows 2012 R2 using this article when you share any PowerPoint presentation the presentation will open and work only on the presenter client and all attendees will get that error "Sorry, We ran into a problem displaying the presentation. Please try again."

Install the follwong Office Web App 2013 hotfix package on your WAC servers

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Exchane 2013: Change the Location of the Queue Database

  1. Create the folders where you want to keep the queue database and transaction logs. Make sure that the correct permissions are applied to the folders.

  1. In a Command prompt window, open the EdgeTransport.exe.config file in Notepad by running the following command:
Notepad %ExchangeInstallPath%Bin\EdgeTransport.exe.config

  1. Modify the following keys in the <appSettings> section.
<add key="QueueDatabasePath" value="<LocalPath>" />
<add key="QueueDatabaseLoggingPath" value="<LocalPath>" />

  1. When you are finished, save and close the EdgeTransport.exe.config file.
  2. Restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service by running the following command:
net stop MSExchangeTransport && net start MSExchangeTransport

Note: If the Exchange Transport Service didn’t started again after running above command go to Services  and start it manually

To verify that you successfully created a new queue database and new transaction logs at a new location, do the following:
  1. Verify the new database files Mail.que and Trn.chk exist at the new location.
  2. Verify the new transaction log files Trn.log, Trntmp.log, Trnres00001.jrs, Trnres00002.jrs, and Temp.edb files exist at the new location.
  3. If you can delete the old queue database and transaction log files from the old location after the Microsoft Exchange Transport service has started, those files are no longer being used.


Monday, May 19, 2014

Exchange DAG Database Incremental Backup From Passive Databases Fails to Purge the Logs


1-      Make sure that the Database copy on all Mailbox server in healthy state.
2-      Dismount the active copy of the Database.
3-      Suspend replication for the target Database.
4-      Dump the database header to make sure it’s in clean shutdown using  “ESEutil /mh”.

5-      Move the log files ( .log) from the logs folder to alternate location on the Server that hold the active copy database.
6-      Mount the DB. make sure it is mounted successfully with healthy state.
7-      Resume the Passive Database Replication.

8-      In-case you got error when resuming the passive Database replication with “Failed and suspended” state, start reseeding the Database using Update option.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Exchange 2013 Move-Databasepath fails with Error: WMI exception occurred on server

Move-Databasepath command is not working and showing the following error after 5 min

  • Perform a Full Backup of the Server which in effect will purge the logs.  This can be performed by using Windows Server Backup or another product.
  • Enable Circular Logging, dismount/remount the database, then Re-enable Circular Logging.
  • Manually delete the log files.  Do not perform this procedure without checking first that all log files have been played into the database, doing so could result in loss of data. 

Run> Get-MailboxDatabase “DatabaseName” | FL Name,*Path*

Or you can login to Exchange Admin Center


Thursday, May 1, 2014

When you select the Shared Mailbox and search there are no results.

When you select the Shared Mailbox and search, there are no results. but when u select individual folders within the shared mailbox it can search them but only individually. 

In outlook, click Tools and then Account Settings, press "change" - "more settings", go to the "Advanced" tab (where you configured the shared mailbox before" and uncheck the "Download shared folders" box, restart outlook.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Change the drive letter that holds Exchange 2013 Database

I was working on Exchange migration project and i was need to change the drive letter that holds one of our Exchange mailbox databases, the following steps i did to change the Exchange configuration to point to the new database file path as well as changing the disk letter and its name,

Note: i was not moving the Database from Disk to another new disk, i just wanted to change the drive letter as i had to configure a Database copy on another Exchange server Within DAG as the Exchange by default will use the same drive letter configured in the Active Database for locate the Database and log for the copy database.

1- Dismount the Database using ECP or Powershell "Dismount-Database -Identity MyDatabase"
2- Change the drive letter using computer management
3- Reconfigure the Exchange database file path using the following Powershell CMD
"Move-DatabasePath -Identity DB03 -EdbFilePath “J:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Mailbox\DB03\DB03.edb” –LogFolderPath “L:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Mailbox\DB03” –ConfigurationOnly $true"

Note: In my case I have used "-ConfigurationOnly" switch as no need to make the exchange move the database from disk to another as it is the same drive
"The ConfigurationOnly switch specifies whether the configuration of the database changes without moving any files. A value of $true changes the configuration. A value of $false changes the configuration and moves the files. The default value is $false."

4- Mount the database again using ECP or Powershell "Mount-Database -Identity\MyDatabase"

When you use the Move-DatabasePath cmdlet, consider the following:
  • This cmdlet fails if it's run while the database is being backed up.
  • If the specified database is mounted when this cmdlet is run, the database is automatically dismounted and then remounted, and is unavailable to users while it's dismounted.
  • This cmdlet normally can be run on the affected Mailbox server only. An exception is that this cmdlet can be run on an administrator's workstation when using theConfigurationOnly parameter with a value of $true
  • This cmdlet can't be run against replicated mailbox databases. To move the path of a replicated database, you must first remove all replicated copies, and then you can perform the move operation. After the move operation is complete, you can add copies of the mailbox database.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Getting all VM's IP addresses on Hyper-V Host

PowerShell CMD:

Get-VM | ?{$_.State -eq "Running"} |  Get-VMNetworkAdapter | Select VMName, IPAddresses

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Exchange 2013 setup Error: The virtual directory ‘PowerShell’ already exists under ‘exchange hostname (FQDN)/Default Web Site’.

While am working in Exchange migration the customer decided to convert on of the archive servers to Mailbox server, so we uninstalled the Exchange from that machine in order to change the host name after we changed the host name and located the new LUN for this new mailbox server I faced the following errors while re-installing the Mailbox role on the same server:

Step 7 of 12: MailBox Role: Transport Service

The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
          $vdirName = "PowerShell";
          $InternalPowerShellUrl="http://" + $RoleFqdnOrName + "/powershell";
          new-PowerShellVirtualDirectory $vdirName -Role Mailbox -InternalUrl $InternalPowerShellUrl -DomainController $RoleDomainController -BasicAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$false -RequireSSL:$false -WebSiteName "Default Web Site" -AppPoolId "MSExchangePowerShellFrontEndAppPool";
          new-PowerShellVirtualDirectory $vdirName -Role Mailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController -BasicAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$true -RequireSSL:$true -WebSiteName "Exchange Back End" -Path ($RoleInstallPath + "ClientAccess\PowerShell-Proxy");
        " was run: "The virtual directory 'PowerShell' already exists under 'ExchangeServerFQDN/Default Web Site'.
Parameter name: VirtualDirectoryName".


The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
          $vdirName = "PowerShell";
          $InternalPowerShellUrl="http://" + $RoleFqdnOrName + "/powershell";
          new-PowerShellVirtualDirectory $vdirName -Role Mailbox -InternalUrl $InternalPowerShellUrl -DomainController $RoleDomainController -BasicAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$false -RequireSSL:$false -WebSiteName "Default Web Site" -AppPoolId "MSExchangePowerShellFrontEndAppPool";
          new-PowerShellVirtualDirectory $vdirName -Role Mailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController -BasicAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$true -RequireSSL:$true -WebSiteName "Exchange Back End" -Path ($RoleInstallPath + "ClientAccess\PowerShell-Proxy");
        " was run: "The AD configuration for virtual directory 'PowerShell' already exists in 'CN=PowerShell (Exchange Back End),CN=HTTP,CN=Protocols,CN=ExchangeServer,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Domain,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=Domain,DC=Root', please remove this AD configuration manually.
Parameter name: VirtualDirectoryName".


The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
          $vdirName = "PowerShell";
          $InternalPowerShellUrl="http://" + $RoleFqdnOrName + "/powershell";
          new-PowerShellVirtualDirectory $vdirName -Role Mailbox -InternalUrl $InternalPowerShellUrl -DomainController $RoleDomainController -BasicAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$false -RequireSSL:$false -WebSiteName "Default Web Site" -AppPoolId "MSExchangePowerShellFrontEndAppPool";
          new-PowerShellVirtualDirectory $vdirName -Role Mailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController -BasicAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$true -RequireSSL:$true -WebSiteName "Exchange Back End" -Path ($RoleInstallPath + "ClientAccess\PowerShell-Proxy");
        " was run: "The AD configuration for virtual directory 'PowerShell' already exists in 'CN=PowerShell (Default Web Site),CN=HTTP,CN=Protocols,CN=ExchangeServer,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Admdinistrative Group (),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=domain,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=Domain,DC=Root', please remove this AD configuration manually.
Parameter name: VirtualDirectoryName".

The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
          $vdirName = "PowerShell";
          $InternalPowerShellUrl="http://" + $RoleFqdnOrName + "/powershell";
          new-PowerShellVirtualDirectory $vdirName -Role Mailbox -InternalUrl $InternalPowerShellUrl -DomainController $RoleDomainController -BasicAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$false -RequireSSL:$false -WebSiteName "Default Web Site" -AppPoolId "MSExchangePowerShellFrontEndAppPool";
          new-PowerShellVirtualDirectory $vdirName -Role Mailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController -BasicAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$true -RequireSSL:$true -WebSiteName "Exchange Back End" -Path ($RoleInstallPath + "ClientAccess\PowerShell-Proxy");
        " was run: "The virtual directory 'PowerShell' already exists under 'ExchangeServerFQDN/Exchange Back End'.
Parameter name: VirtualDirectoryName".


The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
          $vdirName = "PowerShell";
          $InternalPowerShellUrl="http://" + $RoleFqdnOrName + "/powershell";
          new-PowerShellVirtualDirectory $vdirName -Role Mailbox -InternalUrl $InternalPowerShellUrl -DomainController $RoleDomainController -BasicAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$false -RequireSSL:$false -WebSiteName "Default Web Site" -AppPoolId "MSExchangePowerShellFrontEndAppPool";
          new-PowerShellVirtualDirectory $vdirName -Role Mailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController -BasicAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$true -RequireSSL:$true -WebSiteName "Exchange Back End" -Path ($RoleInstallPath + "ClientAccess\PowerShell-Proxy");
        " was run: "The virtual directory 'PowerShell' already exists under 'ExchangeServerFQDN/Default Web Site'.
Parameter name: VirtualDirectoryName".

The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
          $vdirName = "PowerShell";
          $InternalPowerShellUrl="http://" + $RoleFqdnOrName + "/powershell";
          new-PowerShellVirtualDirectory $vdirName -Role Mailbox -InternalUrl $InternalPowerShellUrl -DomainController $RoleDomainController -BasicAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$false -RequireSSL:$false -WebSiteName "Default Web Site" -AppPoolId "MSExchangePowerShellFrontEndAppPool";
          new-PowerShellVirtualDirectory $vdirName -Role Mailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController -BasicAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$true -RequireSSL:$true -WebSiteName "Exchange Back End" -Path ($RoleInstallPath + "ClientAccess\PowerShell-Proxy");
        " was run: "The virtual directory 'PowerShell' already exists under 'ExchangeServerFQDN/Exchange Back End'.
Parameter name: VirtualDirectoryName".


1- Delete Powershell site under default web site and on this server

2- Open ADSIEDT from AD server. Click on Action and select “connection”.
Select “Configuration” from the drop down in the   “Connection  Settings” dialog

Navigate to:
CN=Microsoft Exchange
CN=[your domain]
CN=Administrative Groups
CN=Exchange Administrative Groups
CN=[your server]

Find the (in the right pane) CN=Powershell (Default Web Site), and (Exchange Back End) …  and delete it

Also, Delete the follwong registry keys if it exist:

Open the registry editor and navigate to
Find the “Action” key and delete it.

Navigate to:
Locate the “PendingFileRenameOperations” key and delete it.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Lync Server 2013 Front End Service Won’t Start

Lync Server 2013 Front End Service Won’t Start and the following warning appear in the event viewer

Server startup is being delayed because fabric pool manager has not finished initial placement of users.
Currently waiting for routing group: {8EC325CB-B512-587D-9D03-E940E7CC1490}.
Number of groups potentially not yet placed: 1.
Total number of groups: 1.
Cause: This is normal during cold-start of a Pool and during server startup.
If you continue to see this message many times, it indicates that insufficient number of Front-Ends are available in the Pool.
During a cold-start of a large Pool it can take upto an hour for the placement process to finish as it needs to populate all the Front-End databases with data from the Backup Store. If the Pool is running and the Front-End is just started, this is normal for some time. If this repeats for a long time, ensure that all the Front-Ends configured for this Pool are up and running. If multiple Front-Ends have been recently decommissioned, run Reset-CsPoolRegistrarState -ResetType QuorumLossRecovery to enable the Pool to recover from Quorum Loss and make progress


Run the following CMD with ResetType FullReset intead of QuorumLossRecovery

Reset-CsPoolRegistrarState -PoolFqdn ” frondendpool name” -ResetType FullReset


Sunday, March 23, 2014


In a Lync Deployment, where we have installed Lync Edge Server, we see the Replication is not healthy. You will notice a red cross or in the Management Shell the Replication is not UpToDate: False.

If actually have telnet to the Edge Servers Port 4443, you realize that the port is open and working.
As well you can test access the service itself:

Via this access, you also be able to validate the assigned internal Certificate and the Certificate Chain. If you encounter an error with trusted root certificate, you will end up adding it other Trusted Root Authorities.

Afterwards, you will still encounter the red cross, or false up-to-date status.

This is normal!
The Replication itself is working fine, but your Connectivity to the Edge is limited.
This mean we cannot query the service due to the SECURE CHANNEL limitation.

navigate to:


add the new DWORD:
ClientAuthTrustMode Value=2

Now reboot the edge server. After it has restarted, you might need forcing the CMS to replicate:

Problem is now solved...!




Set new Registry Key on Edge Server:

Do not forget the reboot.
